Open Hours:
Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
We've Moved: 1515 International Pkwy, STE 1001, Lake Mary, Florida, 32746
Non-Profit Organizations
We can help you setup and maintain your non-profit organization's tax-exempt status by handling all the IRS reporting for you.
Each year the IRS requires most tax-exempt organizations to submit the Form 990 and its relations, which includes the following items.
Income Statement with very specific revenue and expense categories like donations, salaries, postage, rent...
Balance Sheet with specific categories like cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable...
Functional Expense Statement with all the expenses allocated to either program services, fundraising, or operations.
Individual Program Expense Statement that reports all of the expenses for each program or service like seminar programs or educational mailings.
Revenue Support Schedules that detail the organization's sources of income in specific categories like charitable donations, membership fees, investment income.
The IRS uses these very specific revenue and expense classifications to determine if your organization will retain its tax-exempt status. So it's imperative that you build your accounting system around these revenue and expense classifications.
Here's what we do for you...
If you're starting a new not-for-profit organization we can help you prepare your organization's 501 (c)(3) application for tax-exempt status.
Here's what's needed...
We are happy to prepare any of these items if you need help.
Let us help you setup and/or maintain your non-profit tax-exempt status by requesting a free consultation below.
Protecting your personal assets has never been more important. Our accounting services safeguard you and your family and optimize all your hard-earned dollars.
Are you running your business at peak performance? Call on us to increase efficiency, stay in compliance, and boost revenue and profits.
Don't pay more in taxes than you have to! Take full advantage of all deductions and credits with our tax planning, compliance, and preparation services.
1515 International Pkwy ste 1001, Lake Mary, Florida 32746, USA
Phone: (407) 323-9585
Fax: (407) 322-1733
Open Hours:
Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
1515 International Pkwy ste 1001, Lake Mary, Florida 32746, USA
Phone: (407) 323-9585
Fax: (407) 322-1733